What Gutenberg Means For the Future of WordPress

As work continues on Gutenberg, members of the community are discussing its impacts on WordPress’ future. Morten Rand-Hendriksen considers Gutenberg to be a watershed moment, “This is a revolution,” he said. “This is a watershed moment for WordPress. This is entirely new and fundamentally different from how WordPress works and how we work with it today. I cannot overstate it enough when I say this changes everything.”
Rand-Hendriksen suggests that Gutenberg will allow WordPress to graduate from being a blogging platform to a platform for managing views. If Gutenberg adds complexity to the user interface, he predicts many users will migrate to simpler, hosted publishing systems.
He also predicts that due to the REST API and Gutenberg, permanent fractures may develop between different segments of the community and user base.
It’s exciting to think about what could happen to WordPress and the web in general if Rand-Hendriksen’s optimism comes to fruition. “Whatever happens to WordPress’ user base, once Gutenberg is implemented fully, WordPress’ role in the wider web and internet community will change,” he said.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15932/what-gutenberg-means-for-the-future-of-wordpress

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/07/02/what-gutenberg-means-for-the-future-of-wordpress-2/