Audacious 3.10 released, Available PPA For Ubuntu Derivative system

Well, here we are nearly a year later, and Audacious 4.0 (with a fully feature-complete Qt UI) still isn't a reality. Never fear, we haven't been totally idle. With the usual smattering of new features and a longer-than-usual list of bug fixes, we are proud to present Audacious 3.10, code-named "Not Quite There Yet".

What is Audacious ?

Audacious is an open source audio player. A descendant of XMMS, Audacious plays your music how you want it, without stealing away your computer’s resources from other tasks. Drag and drop folders and individual song files, search for artists and albums in your entire music library, or create and edit your own custom playlists. Listen to CD’s or stream music from the Internet. Tweak the sound with the graphical equalizer or experiment with LADSPA effects. Enjoy the modern GTK-themed interface or change things up with Winamp Classic skins. Use the plugins included with Audacious to fetch lyrics for your music, to set an alarm in the morning, and more.

Audacious runs on Linux, on BSD derivatives, and on Microsoft Windows

New features (general)

  • Shuffle history is remembered at exit to avoid repeating songs 
  • Exported M3U and PLS playlists now use relative paths by default
  • Recursively adding subfolders to the playlist is now optional 
  • The URL history shown in the Add/Open URL dialogs can be cleared 
  • Toolbar buttons in the GTK UI now show tooltip hints
  • The adplug input plugin has a new settings window 
  • The Search Tool can be configured to scan for new files at startup 
  • The number of results shown in the Search Tool is now configurable
  • The Delete Files plugin is clearer about which files will be deleted
  • Icons from the desktop theme are used more consistently
  • Scalable icons are now used on Windows for better high-DPI support
  • The bottom info bar now matches the color tone of dark themes
  • The soxr resampler has some new, more detailed settings

Qt UI improvements (new/ported features and bug fixes)

  • "audacious -m" now raises the main window as expected
  • The number pad Enter key now starts playback as expected 
  • The Escape key can be used to return to the currently playing playlist
  • Fixed the row height of the playlist view changing unexpectedly
  • Volume can be changed using the mouse wheel on the system tray icon 
  • Added Playlist Import/Export dialog windows
  • Added a song info tooltip to the playlist and system tray icon
  • Added a "Play" icon to the tab of the currently playing playlist
  • Added a label showing file path/URI to the song info window
  • URI and tag values in the song info window can be copied to the clipboard
  • Added missing "Search Library" command in the Winamp UI (Qt version)
  • Added font formatting to improve readability in the Search Tool
  • Fixed a build error (QStaticText-related) with Qt 5.10
  • Fixed Audacious exiting when the settings window is closed
  • Fixed font preferences not being respected in a couple of places
  • Fixed playlist position sometimes not updating when the song changes
  • The info bar correctly changes color when the theme changes

Install Audacious 3.10 with PPA Launchpad on Ubuntu Derivative system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 to your system's Software Sources.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update

Install Audacious Media Player :
sudo apt install Audacious

Remove, if you don't like this app :
sudo apt remove Audacious*

Read more about release announcent this app.

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