COSPLAY TOKEN launches Crowdsale on QRYPTOS

Cosplay Token has for several years brought unparalleled services in the cosplay sector. Our progressive growth ideals have seen Cosplay Token tackle several bottlenecks in a bid to take cosplay to the level it deserves on the global platform. Today, the desired heights don’t seem as terrifying as we have found an ally and aid in blockchain. And we are making the best out of it.

There are several issues derailing growth within the cosplay-sphere. We have narrowed them down to five and came up with solutions through blockchain. Using our platform, players create an interactive ecosystem for producers and consumers to enable them to optimize on cosplay. We have developed a one-stop network for everyone. We take away the hassles and enable users to make money, interact with other global players, increase exposure, and protect copyright and personal spaces within a digital and public platform.

To meet this, we developed our ERC20-compliant token, COT. We believe, as the pioneer token in the cosplay industry, it shall become the de-facto currency which will enable users to interact with each other on the system, offering them as means of payment, incentives, recognition and tips. Even better, our token enables users to derive their own coins from it. Personal coins are then used to monetize their expertise and talents.

The main areas our platform seeks to improve are;

Transparency – as it is, the industry operates in the shadows. It is a den of middlemen and brokers taking the centre stage in deciding how producers and consumers interact. As such, the system puts players at vulnerabilities and risks of exploitation. We use blockchain to fix this. Inherent to blockchain, transparency is fostered. Similarly, peer-peer interaction is enabled. This cuts out brokers, allowing users to set thresholds for monetization of their talents.

Monetization – we use our COT token to create settlement accounts for everyone. It being a digital asset, it is boundless and can be used by users who do not own traditional methods of payment based on their bureaucratic requirements.  As such, users who cannot acquire credit cards due to age limitations are empowered to earn from their work.

Increase exposure and connection and protection from harassment – the blockchain is an authentic public ledger where records are stored for public consumption. This gives users exposure and consequently, value actualization. Additionally, blockchain records keep track of user activity, keeping users accountable to each other and protecting them from harassment.

Copyright – data on the blockchain undergoes series of verifications to be confirmed as valid and true. Once verified, they cannot be altered, hence there is no manipulation. Through this, users get copyright protection. Further, transactions are executed through smart contracts. This ensures the right people to benefit from their art.

Globalization – Cosplay Token has at this point 270,000 members drawn from over 180 countries. The platform is made available in 12 different languages. This will cut down the difficulty in sourcing for information caused by language barrier. It also interconnects thousands of users across the globe on a single network.

Game Changer – COT’s Sale on QRYPTOS

At this point, we can all agree that ensuring user safety is synonymous with us. We want to ensure the safety of your contributions as well. As such, our crowdsale shall be available on our site and through QUOINE’s ICO platform, QRYPTOS. The blockchain-powered leading exchange requires KYC registration and executes settlements through smart contracts to assure participants’ safety. Further, the platform offers Two-Factor Authentication procedures to tighten safety measures put in place.   

COT will be available for a private sale beginning Sunday 29th July 2018 to Saturday 11th August 2018.

Thereafter, the public sale begins on Sunday 12th August to Saturday 25th August 2018

The bonus structure will be applied with the following vesting periods: 10% bonus for the first three days and a 5% for the following four days.

Concurrently, we are also running a Private Sale through QRYPTOS. For those who are interested, please setup an account through QRYPTOS using the referral link HERE.

Private sale eligibility:

  • Minimum account balance of USD 9,000 with QRYPTOS.

Private sale benefits:

  • Larger COT bonus
  • Airdrop: USD 20 worth of QASH tokens
  • Purchased tokens immediately distributed to their wallet in QRYPTOS – no waiting period

Cosplay Token was founded by Junichiro Kawai, who also is the CEO. He is assisted by Daisuke Nakagawa who is the Executive officer alongside other key team players. It has an advisory board comprising of the who’s who in diverse fields. They are led by Hiroshi Tsurusaki, founder and CEO of Tecotec INC. Others are Kiyotaka Hagashide who is also a founder and CEO at UPCROSS INC, Kiyoko Kato of Dream Planet, and Yudi Levi, the creator of Bancor protocol & LocalCoin co-founder among others.

This is a sponsored press release and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views held by any employees of NullTX. This is not investment, trading, or gambling advice. Always conduct your own independent research.

by Guest via NullTX