Detailed Speed Comparison & Analysis of 100+ WordPress Themes

Site speed is important. It always was and always will be. More and more site owners have become aware of this after Google stated on several occasions that speed does affect search-engine rankings. Site owners should strive to make sites as comfortable for use as possible (whether Google tells them to do so or not) which includes making them faster. Doing so involves making a lot of components work together, and one of those components (in a WordPress site) is the WordPress theme. tl;dr Cat videos don’t wait for anyone, we hear you! Jump to results table with 100+ WordPress themes speed comparison and see why it’s important to choose a fast theme and a good speed-up plugin.
Why test? Aren’t all themes the same?
It’s evident that the quality of the theme affects the speed at which a site loads. We wanted to know how much it affects it and how much speed-up plugins can help in making (slow) themes faster. So, we took a hundred popular WordPress themes and tested their speed. We expected only minor, statistical differences in our test results but ended up seeing significant differences. All themes are definitely not made the same!
Some rules and compromises
