DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom First Impressions

DJI invited us to check out the two new flavors of their Mavic line of drones, the Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom. I have and love the original Mavic Pro, so I could not miss the chance to be one of the first to try these new ones out. Let's dive in. 2 Of A Kind Both the Pro and the Zoom are nearly identical save for the camera. Let's go over what features they share. Upgraded in almost every way compared to the original Mavic Pro. Longer flight time, quieter motors, an updated camera, smarter, safer, & more stable. [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="medium" ids="261807,261806"] One of my favorite features is one of the simplest, each drone now has 8GB of on-board storage. If you forget your SD card, DJI has you covered. This in conjunction with photos being saved directly to your mobile device for instant sharing means you will never miss the shot. The flight time has been increased to a total of 31 minutes (27 on the original Mavic), do in no small part to the more efficient and quiet motors. These pack a 3830mAh battery. When they let us fly them they are noticeably quieter than my Mavic. The ...

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