Girls Make Games Demo Day Finalists

Girls Make Games is an incredible organization helping girls close the gender gap in the video game industry. They run a number of workshops, camps and programs around the country.

Check out the finalists from the 2018 Demo Day:

Every year, Girls Make Games runs 3 week long summer camps around the country. This year, 33 teams of girls between ages 8-17 learned how to design and program video games. Of those 33 teams, the top 5 made it out to Demo Day to pitch their games to a panel of industry judges.

This year’s winner: Team Sarcastic Shark Clouds with their game, Shredded Secrets! Please see game descriptions, trailer, team members and game prototypes below!

Shredded Secrets is an emotional journey through four characters and their experiences with school and life. This game shows how people from different backgrounds can overcome adversity together.

A murder has struck and you, Detective Blobfish, must find the murderer! Explore a beach town to find the murderer from three suspects.

See the rest!

This stark infographic shows why it Girls Make Games matters:

Girls Make Games