How to Use Facebook Instant Articles on WordPress

WordPress website users are always in search of something out of the box and by aiming to achieve that 90+ Google Page Insight score benchmark is quite possible. Generally, there are several techniques to speed up WordPress websites but among all, browser caching is most commonly found issue during website speed optimization analysis. To monitor and test your website’s performance, you can use a number of online tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix, and Pingdom. They provide accurate results and help you understand where your website needs improvements. While testing site’s performance, you may have received warning notification of “Leverage Browser Caching”.
Today, we are going to discuss how you can resolve this issue. So, let’s not waste time and delve in.
What Is a Browser Cache and How Does It Work?
Whenever a person visits your website, the browser sends a request to load assets such as HTML, Scripts, Images, CSS, etc. from the server. The server then responds to the browser’s request. Depending on the size of the asset requested and server process time, the response may take a bit of time to respond. It ultimately results in increased
