IoT for Ninjas – microcontrollers and sensors meet martial arts training

Carlos Justiniano writes on Hackernoon:

In this post we’ll build a DIY device to transform a Japanese Katana into a smart fitness device. Say what? Stay with me… the first part of this post will address the why for doing this, while the second part focuses on the how.

What if one could take a practice sword and retrofit it with sensors to track the quality of motion? And what if one could build a mobile application to analyze that data in realtime? While we’re seeing rapid advancements in AI — a Siri-like trainer is still some time away. And we’re even further away from replacing a human Sensei. However, since science fiction has a way of becoming science fact, it isn’t difficult for one to imagine a Jedi knight training sword, complete with holographic Sensei.

The build uses an Adafruit Feather Bluefruit 32u4 Microcontroller, battery, and the Adafruit LSM9DS1 9 degrees of freedom motion sensor.

Bluefruit Feather and 9DOF

Check out the entire blog post for the build, code, and more.