Kali Linux 2018.3 Release, Added New Tools For iOS Research

Kali Linux is an open source operating system designed from the ground up as a drop-in replacement for the well known BackTrack penetration testing Linux distribution. It includes more than 300 penetration testing tools, it's FHS compliant, supports a wide range of wireless devices, comes with a custom kernel patched for injection, supports multiple languages and it is completely customizable.

Kali 2018.3 brings the kernel up to version 4.17.0 and while 4.17.0 did not introduce many changes, 4.16.0 had a huge number of additions and improvements including more Spectre and Meltdown fixes, improved power management, and better GPU support.

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"Another edition of Hacker Summer Camp has come and gone. We had a great time meeting our users, new and old, particularly at our Black Hat and DEF CON Dojos," writes the Offensive Security team. "Now that everyone is back home, it’s time for our third Kali release of 2018, which is available for immediate download."

Introducing idb, a tool for iOS research and penetration testing

One of the coolest new features of the Kali Linux 2018.3 release is a new penetration testing tool called idb, which hackers or bug hunters can use for research and penetration testing on Apple's iOS mobile operating system. Also new are the Kerberoast tools for Kerberos assessment and DataSploit OSINT framework for performing various recon operations.

New Tools and Tool Upgrades

Since our last release, we have added a number of new tools to the repositories, including:

  • idb – An iOS research / penetration testing tool
  • gdb-peda – Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
  • datasploit – OSINT Framework to perform various recon techniques
  • kerberoast – Kerberos assessment tools

In addition to these new packages, we have also upgraded a number of tools in our repos including aircrack-ng, burpsuite, openvas, wifite, and wpscan.

Download Kali Linux 2018.3

If you would like to check out this latest and greatest Kali release, you can find download links for ISOs and Torrents on the Kali Downloads page along with links to the Offensive Security virtual machine and ARM images, which have also been updated to 2018.3. If you already have a Kali installation you’re happy with, you can easily upgrade in place as follows.
root@kali:~# apt update && apt -y full-upgrade
Making sure you are up-to-date
To double check your version, first make sure your Kali package repositories are correct.

root@kali:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Then after running apt -y full-upgrade, you may require a reboot before checking:

root@kali:~# grep VERSION /etc/os-release



If you come across any bugs in Kali, please open a report on our bug tracker. It’s more than a little challenging to fix what we don’t know about.

Download Kali Linux Images

We generate fresh Kali Linux image files every few months, which we make available for download. This page provides the links to download Kali Linux in its latest official release. For a release history, check our Kali Linux Releases page. Please note: You can find unofficial, untested weekly releases at http://cdimage.kali.org/kali-weekly/.
Image NameDownloadSizeVersionsha256sum
Kali Linux Light 32 BitHTTP | Torrent851M2018.394f4deed38b7709bf6e3e3d957916952a090378869c94d52d293abdc89d2bb70
Kali Linux Lxde 64 BitHTTP | Torrent2.9G2018.3477287916116583151146e236176920be8d80a69cf6e7a3790d8ec28d33211bd
Kali Linux 32 BitHTTP | Torrent3.1G2018.362d004e9b405141471e8c6ca3b10de06eea3be77d7a49f58a95a1dd44bf2b12d
Kali Linux Kde 64 BitHTTP | Torrent3.1G2018.32153be5ff1c4ce991d3a750b70fdb6b85281d024cb3c4691fa764a065f5123c1
Kali Linux Xfce 64 BitHTTP | Torrent2.8G2018.399f5f0198129a9e0dd539da8f7b7417cf510156c4e7bfbc1042801baebb91a73
Kali Linux Light 64 BitHTTP | Torrent854M2018.3fdd9c496dccb9e5185fbf1c374d70430edc287fb679baa691faca94752d31723
Kali Linux Light ArmhfHTTP | Torrent557M2018.32053fa022e0956ca82ec8cdd421fd826f48e3f077c207396496ef6109c21ccdf
Kali Linux E17 64 BitHTTP | Torrent2.8G2018.36a6902df83a58b68d537f0d304e4cfd05a9aab92ba2a01c0b3abf7b656951cae
Kali Linux Mate 64 BitHTTP | Torrent3.0G2018.37428ed0b78301f1d7ad124fc1be128b8d1a175d9cc0026fe825e97d53bb1a282
Kali Linux 64 BitHTTP | Torrent3.0G2018.36ce4071c667082bc841789e5d812dbfd424758b333d78ca5de6eceb7c43f8dd0
Kali Linux 64 bit VMware VMAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page
Kali Linux 32 bit VMware VM PAEAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page
Kali Linux 64 bit VboxAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page
Kali Linux 32 bit VboxAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page