LaForge Presentation at BSidesLV 2018

Hi friends! Alex and I were accepted to speak at BSidesLV this year on our work running security competitions (CPTC) with a tool Alex built, called LaForge. You may remember me talking about LaForge before, as we had used it throughout the 2017 CPTC season. Essentially, this tool lets us define our infrastructure as code, in an abstract way, such that we can scale the infra by the number of teams we want at game time. Alex has since rewritten LaForge, now with more collaboration features, so expect the tool to come back strong for the 2018 CPTC season. The talk below highlights some of the reasons we designed the tool, how we used it, and how it's changed from previous versions. We were originally given a shorter time slot, but due to some complications with the projector I think it was cut even shorter. Some of the audio below also got cut or messed up at the beginning of the recording (seems to be my luck w/ BSides talks). Hopefully this will be solved with a mastered release of the talk, but in the mean time here is the presentation from the live stream: