Mega Makey the 3D printing challenge #3DPrinting #3DThursday

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MAKE shared this project on Thingiverse!

This is MEGA MAKEY, the stop-motion creation designed by Dan Spangler for Make: back in 2013. Shared on our blog, but not, until now, shared on thingiverse.

Before you get started though, you should be forewarned. Dan Spangler was a fantastic maker of things, but when it came to design for 3D printing, he was still a beginner. Many of these files simply aren’t built in the ways that we’ve learned work well with typical filament based printers, so it will probably be a bit of headache.

Matt Stultz, our digital fabrication editor opened up the files hoping to quickly print up the bot for it’s triumphant return to the spotlight. What he found was nearly every part he tackled took longer and needed more fiddling than he had time for. He’s mentioned taking on the task of “fixing” all the files to be an easier project, but that is time consuming also. We’ve decided to release them as they are and see how you all get along with them.

So, consider this a challenge, can you print the MEGA MAKEY? Can you beat Matt to the punch on making a derivative that isn’t such a pain to print?

See more!

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!