Microsoft MakeCode GitHub Package Authoring @MSMakeCode


The MakeCode team announces starting today, as the feature rolls out to various editors, you will be able to create packages and publish your own packages to GitHub directly from the web app, without ever touching command line or installing anything.

Once you have your repo set up, edit files as usual. Whenever you get to a stable state, or just every now and then to keep history and insure against losing your work, push the changes to GitHub. This is done with a little GitHub sync button on top of the Explorer. The button will check if there are any pending changes to check in. If there are, it will create a commit, pull the latest changes from GitHub, merge or fast-forward the commit if needed, and push the results to GitHub.


The GitHub feature is not limited to packages. You can also use it to store other MakeCode projects. You can even use it to collaborate on a project with multiple people.

Currently, any GitHub project will show up in your Extensions dialog.


The GitHub authoring feature is currently available in:

Other editors will follow.

See the entire post on the MakeCode website.