NEW GUIDE: Adafruit IO Environmental Monitor | #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

NEW GUIDE: Adafruit IO Environmental Monitor

Knowing what’s in the air you breathe is important – and building an environmental monitor is a way to visualize the invisible properties of the air you inhale.

This guide covers building a small, internet-enabled environmental monitor which can track a range of data, from temperature to UV-level to the amount of total-volatile-organic-compounds currently present in the air.

Build it, place it in a location you’d like to monitor, and then view it from anywhere in the world using our Internet-of-Things platform – Adafruit IO.

The best part? This project can be performed with Arduino or CircuitPython. We have full build and code instructions for the Raspberry Pi and Arduino-compatibles.

Read the learn guide and build your own here…

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!