NEW GUIDE: Compost Friend! #CircuitPlaygroundExpress #CircuitPython

The second guide in the Adafruit Learning System composting series is Composting Friend! (no, not composting your friend, a circuit to help you compost).

You’ve been regularly turning the compost, but you have no idea if all this work is even worth it because you don’t even know what’s going on in there. You try to split the dry material and wet material 50/50 but some days it’s rainy and others it’s dry. Is it even heating up? Do you really have to stick your hand in last weeks spaghetti leftovers to tell? What if there was a way to know all the info you want to know about your compost and how to improve its health without ever touching or looking at it?

Good news! You can use a Circuit Playground Express and some extra goodies to tell you exactly what you want to know about your compost: when to add more food scraps, more dry material, and when to turn it.

See this new guide on the Adafruit Learning System!