Nordic nRF52840 QR Code based Thread Network Commissioning @electronutLabs @NordicTweets

Our friends at Electronut Labs continue their work with the Nordic nRF52840, using QR codes to pass network credentials to the device via a Raspberry Pi camera instead of hardcoding or typing in passwords.

They show how to generate the QR code and then reading the code via a Raspberry Pi and attached camera. Then they demonstrate a Python program to use the information for network commissioning. They write:

…that’s how you can use a camera on the Raspberry Pi Border Router to commission your Thread device. Although this method may look like external commissioning, since we’re actually using a separate program to parse the information and run wpanctl to manually add the joiner, this looks more like a variation of on-mesh commissioning to me. Who knows? Maybe the Thread experts will tell us. In any case, it works.

You can read the whole article here and find the code on GitHub.

QR Code Raspi

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