Renowned Architect Frank Gehry Shares His Passion For Giving His Buildings a Sense of Movement

Via LaughingSquid

Filmmaker Emile Rafael sat down with renowned architect Frank Gehry in front of his iconic namesake Spruce Street building in Manhattan to talk about his visionary art. Gehry was more than happy to share his passion for architecture that imbues a strong sense of movement and fluidity as seen in his beautiful fish shaped building in Hyderabad, India, the curves of the Dr. Chau Chak Building in Sidney, Australia, the twisted stacked blocks of his building in Berlin, the the jagged edges of the MIT Stata Center and the flowing ripples on the side of the aforementioned Spruce Street building.

Most buildings are static. But I like the idea of the sense of movement – the movement it has. There’s a transfer of this feeling through the bricks and mortar and steel that’s kind of amazing. That makes me want to do more.

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