Simple Script for Turning Pis into Google Calendar Displays | #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Matt Webb has a simple bash script and walkthrough for turning a Raspberry Pi Zero (in his example) into the brains driving a bunch of “Google Calendar displays” he has installed in various places – for at-a-glance reminders and prompts of upcoming events. (It is interesting to consider how our lives have become focused around events and online calendars.)

I have Pi-powered Google Calendar displays all over the place – I wrote a script to make it easy to make more of them (or other similiar displays that just use a web browser).

The install script sets a cron job to launch a fullscreen Chromium window in kiosk mode at boot, disabling screen timeout. Configurables set during install:

  • Hide cursor (good for non-interactive displays)
  • Clear browser cache at boot
  • Refresh page at specified minute interval
  • Delay browser launch (allow extra time for boot and/or network connectivity)

Do not use under any circumstances where not being able to leave the browser is a priority, as this is in no way prevented. Built for and tested on Raspbian Stretch running on a Pi Zero.

If you need to modify anything after installation Matt has simple instructions for that too – read more here.

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