Testing the Raspberry Pi as a Radio Transmitter running rpitx @Raspberry_Pi


Another spot on post by David Rowe at his Rowetel blog. He’s experimenting using the software rpitx to generate 2FSK waveforms at HF frequencies.

rpitx is a radio transmitter for Raspberry Pi (B, B+, PI2, PI3B,PI3B+,PIZero,PiZerow) that transmits RF directly to GPIO. It can handle frequencies from 5 KHz up to 1500 MHz.

David writes:

In many parts of the world it’s still very difficult (and expensive) to move an IP packet over the “last 100 miles”. So, armed with some new skills and technology, I feel it’s time for another look at developing world and humanitarian communications.

The post details the tests used and checking bit error rates, then checking the signal to noise ratio against theoretical calculations. He says: “It works really well!”

Read the whole story on the Rowetel blog.

plots from the Octave version of the demodulator