The Code Kitty Robot | #Trinket #Robotics

Just popped onto the Adafruit radar: Code Kitty – a non-profit in Minnesota that teaches kids Making and STEM via building and programming their own robot either themselves or in a workshop. They write:

The current version of our robot kit is based around Adafruit‘s amazing Trinket m0 microcontroller, which runs CircuitPython. This allows us to start out with a purely browser-based instruction in the Python language and seamlessly transition to programming the robot in a now-familiar REPL-based environment, using our extremely simplified pre-installed library of functions, allowing even very young or inexperienced learners to write simplified code that makes their robot light up, change colors, play music, move around, and sense it’s inputs and environment, creating an immediately gratifying and rewarding experience that shows them they can do it.

We think it’s wonderful to start learning via robotics and use of Adafruit materials is even better!

You can learn more by visiting the Code Kitty website.

Code Kitty



from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!