Where’s Waldo Robot

Remember all those hours you spent looking for Waldo everywhere? Well now you can find him in seconds with this neat robot.

via Gizmodo

Tired of that smug look of satisfaction on your kid’s face when they’re able to find Waldo on a page faster than you can? A creative agency called RedPepper built a robot that levels the Where’s Waldo playing field using a camera and machine learning AI to spot the striped traveler in as little as four-and-a-half seconds. Looks like you’re out of a job, little Billy.

Once the robot arm is in place, it snaps a high-res photo of a two-page Where’s Waldo spread, and analyzes it for recognizable cartoon human faces using the OpenCV computer vision programming tools. To actually spot Waldo, the robot’s designers trained Google’s Cloud AutoML machine learning tool on a relatively small collection of 107 Waldo head and body images.

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