3 Cryptocurrencies Well-Positioned to Beat BTC: NPXS, POLIS, TRIG

The cryptocurrency markets continue to provide volatility and entry points if timed correctly. This week has multiple cryptocurrencies that have been selected due to the important news on the horizon, impressive growth during the bear market and passive income that was over one hundred percent returns during the bear months.
State of the Market
People have been arguing for eight months regarding what the next catalyst will be that shifts market momentum from Bear to Bull. Will it be a September exchange-traded fund (“ETF”) for BTC? Will it be supportive government regulations? Could it be as simple as the regularly occurring 3rd or 4th quarter bull-run that seems to take place as families are home for the holidays? Regardless of what initiates the next bull-run, it is important to position one’s self so they are exposed to the coins they believe will beat bitcoin’s return. If you cannot beat BTC’s return than it would be best if you solely held BTC 00.
The total crypto market capitalization currently is $203 billion with BTC making up 54.7% of that. On September 5, 2018, the total crypto market cap was 26% higher at $256 billion. This means in the prior 72 hours the market has retraced 26%. Providing a perfect re-entry opportunity for those that were watching a few weeks of green from the sideline.
This week provides opportunities for a few different cryptocurrencies:
- NPXS (Pundi X) – Specializes in point of sale systems using crypto and just shipped 5,000+ POS units while signing deals with new South American countries.
- POLIS (Polis Coin) – Their masternode return has been 140% the prior 261 days.
- TRIG (Triggers) – The calendar says it all; booth at the NRA conference Sept 14-16, Smargtuns public launch, Masternodes launch (by November 15), Mainnet launch (by the end of 2018).
Diversification is key, even in crypto, these three interesting cryptos provide unique opportunities due to market conditions and their current projects.
TRIG (Triggers) – NRA Convention, Masternodes & Mainnet
TRIG 00 is a novel concept focused on a niche market in the one place where if it were to succeed it would take place. TRIG, short for Triggers, focused on putting firearms on the blockchain. The United States has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the world with registration not being a requirement in the majority of states. This makes tracking the sale of a firearm from manufacturer to individual, and from individual to individual increasingly difficult. TRIG looks to solve this problem and their ambitious calendar will likely spike the price even with no shift in market sentiment.
TRIG has a booth at one of the largest NRA (National Rifle Association) conventions of the year from September 14-16. The last time TRIG had a booth at an NRA convention the price of TRIG spiked the three days prior, and the two days of the actual convention. The individuals at NRA conferences are not the tech-savvy individuals you find at crypto conferences, many may be exposed to crypto, and TRIG for the first time in the coming weeks. If history repeats itself, it is likely TRIG begins its run in the coming week heading straight through the conference.
TRIG has a market cap of 5.3 million making it one of the lowest market cap coins on Binance. With a price of $0.16 and a January high of $8.85, TRIG seems to be one of those cryptos that could easily moon with a bit of a nudge. What type of nudge or catalyst could the markets provide TRIG?
The first catalyst is likely to occur as the date of the NRA CarryGuardExpo approaches and crypto enthusiasts see it on crypto calendars. Currently, at 7 days away most will not click through that many pages to find updates on TRIG. Following “crypto calendar watchers” chasing TRIG higher it is likely their presence at the NRA conference is actually well received as it has been previously.
In the immediate two months that follow TRIG has promised to release their Smartguns platform publicly and their masternode platform. Masternodes are all the rage, providing passive income that in many cases exceeds 100% of the cost of the masternode. This occurs while the MN holders remove thousands (if not millions) of coin from the circulating supply to support the MNs. This reduces supply while simultaneously increasing demand as more individuals want to attain the required number of coin for a masternode and then remove that amount from a particular exchange. The available circulating supply for trading and transacting plummets while MN holders earn a positive return as demand increases. TRIG has also promised to release their mainnet by the end of Quarter 4.
With a mainnet going live by the year’s end, masternodes on the immediate horizon, and an NRA convention of epic proportions, TRIG seems to be one of the stronger short-term cryptos.
NPXS (Pundi X) – Bringing Crypto Point of Sale to Honk Kong and South America
Pundi X “NPXS” 00 helps transform retail businesses with its blockchain-based point of sale solution. This allows the business to buy, sell, and accept all payment methods including cryptocurrency. With a market cap of around $187 million, it is somewhere among the medium-tier cryptocurrencies.
Pundi X has shipped over 5,500 XPOS devices across Hong Kong while having recently signed deals with Brazil and Colombia to enter their markets. These deals to enter Brazil and Colombia follow Pundi X opening a new headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Manticora Capital has agreed to supply Colombia with 1,000 XPOS devices, while BitCapital is distributing 1,000 XPOS devices across Brazil.
Utility adds more value than anything in the crypto space and if Pundi X is successful in implementing the first crypto-to-fiat transactions seamlessly, they will solidify themselves as having long-term relevance.
Pundi X had a peak in price over summer at $0.0042 per coin with a market cap of $380 million July 9, 2018. Since retracing to its current position, Pundi X has aggressively targeted South America along with emerging markets that would benefit most from a POS blockchain-based cryptocurrency payment system. Having signed deals to operate in multiple countries on multiple continents, it seems NPXS intends to strengthen its grasp on the POS crypto payments systems market.
POLIS (Polis Coin) – Masternode Returns in Excess of 140%
Masternodes have been spoken about ad nauseam during the bear market as a way to generate passive income regardless if the price of a coin decreased, increased or went sideways. POLIS 00 is a unique coin that supports masternodes. What made POLIS stand out tremendously was their impressive return on investment (ROI), which has been 140% the prior 261 days.
With a market cap of $4 million, POLIS is the smallest market cap coin on this list by 20%. Their current price per coin 00 is significantly lower than their high in January of over $50 per coin. The March to September drop is much more palpable as most individuals were not thinking clearly in January of 2018. POLIS was trading at approximately $3 throughout March and retracted 60% since then to today’s value. However, if you figure in the return you’d have attained had you set up a masternode in March, POLIS would actually be one of the few cryptocurrencies that retained their value from March until September.
Most individuals focus on how much a cryptocurrency fell during the bear market when it is equally important to focus on passive income that same currency produces. If the amount of passive income is offsetting to decline in value, imagine the gains attainable during a bull market when the cryptocurrency will be appreciating and still providing the passive income.
POLIS makes this list not because of their upcoming calendar, but because of their ability to provide a passive income so substantial it actually offset losses the crypto faced the prior six months.
For those that do not understand how to, or do not wish to set up the infrastructure to mine, masternodes provide a great ability to earn a passive income.
[Disclaimer: The views of the author do not represent the views of Bitcoinist and should not be taken as financial advice.]
To read the King’s prior articles, to find out which ICOs he currently recommends, or to get in contact directly with the King, you can on Twitter (@JbtheCryptoKing) or Reddit (ICO updates and Daily Reports). The King is the founder of ANON and does actively trade cryptocurrencies having previously held TRIG and NPXS.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock
The post 3 Cryptocurrencies Well-Positioned to Beat BTC: NPXS, POLIS, TRIG appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
by JakeTheCryptoKing via Bitcoinist.com