Applications being taken for paid Pygame Artist in Residence #Python

MAKING APPS, MAKING WEBS writes that they are looking to fund a one month “Pygame artist in residence grant”. It is for someone who is already doing stuff with pygame or python in their arts practice. There will be a little thumbnail on the website linking towards an artist statement /patreon page/blog or some such. The residency won’t be in a physical space and is paid a stipend.

An artist residency usually works something like; a person spends some time in either a gallery making something to present or in a music club doing a weekly spot.

From Ada Lovelace the writer(and first programmer), to Steve Jobs who started out at Atari, to Bill gates the author of the first ever PC game, to Konrad Zuse the painter (who happened to also make the first digital computer) — the arts and computers are intertwined.

To learn more about this opportunity, go to the website and read more.