Brave Publishers Can Now Have Their Identities Verified with Civic

Brave Publishers Can Now Have Their Identities Verified with Civic

Civic, a digital identity firm, has collaborated with Brave, the privacy-based browser with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, to provide identity verification services to Brave’s content creators. Verified content creators on Brave now have the option of verifying their identities using Civic’s identity verification service in order to get paid Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) via their Ethereum wallets.

Brave’s blockchain-based digital advertising platform is built on the strength of the Brave browser, which uses user attention as a metric for rewarding publishers with BAT ERC20 tokens. BATs are derived from user attention and can be used to “obtain a variety of advertising and attention-based services on the BAT platform.” Brave users can opt to anonymously reward publishers for content they find interesting by donating BATs through Brave’s integrated payment system.

Civic is an identity verification platform that allows consumers to authorize the use of their identities in real time. Leveraging Civic’s Reusable KYC, Brave’s publishers will be able to verify their identities and ensure authenticity through the Civic App, which also provides customers with control over the use of their personal information.

In an interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Civic CEO and Co-Founder Vinny Lingham said the partnership provides another “important use case for digital identity” as it allows Brave publishers to enjoy the convenience and simplicity of decentralized identity verification.

“With rising awareness of consumer protection and data privacy issues, it’s great to see two privacy-focused organizations coming together and leveraging blockchain technology to find better, more secure alternatives for the future,” he concluded.

Brendan Eich, the CEO and co-founder of Brave, also hailed the partnership with Civic, which he says would afford Brave’s publishers and creators the opportunity to “safely collect their tokens and get rewarded for their content.”

According to Civic, its Reusable KYC allows users to “safely and securely verify their identities” on the BAT platform in order to receive payments without sharing unnecessary data.

Having a digital identity that you can reuse eliminates the “day-to-day hassles of proving who you are,” said Lingham.

“Civic’s identity platform is all tied to the idea of a decentralized reusable identity. Just imagine a secure, trusted digital identity that would be accessible from your mobile device, never stored in a centralized database, and accepted anywhere you go, from applying for a bank account to entering a bar to boarding a flight.”

In the case of Brave, publishers who are Civic users can swiftly connect to the Civic App — which guarantees privacy and authenticity — to verify their identities on the Brave platform.

This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.

by Jimmy Aki via Bitcoin Magazine