ChocoRobo – Autonomous Chocolate Delivery Robot #CircuitPython #Crickit #CircuitPlaygroundExpress

bbtinkerer writes at about their chocolate delivery robot.

Simple and easy to build face following robot with off-the-shelf parts for anyone to create. No need for expensive or specialized tools such as 3D printers, CNC machines, or laser cutters. Most of the items you can easily order from Adafruit or Amazon and probably already have laying around.

The robot is basically a line following robot but instead of following a line, the robot will track to the faces it sees. Attach a container, box, basket, etc. to hold things. The robot then can be used to delivery bot. ChocoRobo likes to deliver chocolates to kids and make friends.

A great project using Adafruit Circuit Playground Express, Adafruit Crickit robotic controller and the Google AIY vision kit. Uses CircuitPython also!


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