Circuit Playground Express for Business School Students #CircuitPlaygroundExpresss @MSMakeCode @gallaugher
Boston College professor John Gallaugher writes in Medium about teaching business students the art of coding and engineering.
This year I wanted to give students an experience that combined coding with some basic engineering. The low-cost Circuit Playground Express from Adafruit Industries is ideal. The firm’s founder and lead engineer, Limor “Ladyada” Fried, is also a great role model for students interested in entrepreneurship.
There were several goals in integrating the CPX into the course: 1) provide a lab where concepts of fast/cheap computing and its relation to new product and market creation could be more deeply appreciated and explored, 2) provide an introduction to coding and hardware in a way that was approachable and inspiring, 3) introduce more students (especially women & students of color) to possibilities in tech, and 4) provide a “gateway drug” for students hooked on this experience to follow up with additional courses.
You can read the whole article on Medium. Thanks John for the endorsement!
Also check out the new book Getting Started with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express now out for introductory learning for the CPX.
from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!