Hey All! This is another in my series of GoRed tools. The philosophy behind this entire tool set is small, single purpose, multi-platform, post exploitation tools to be leveraged by either gscript or operators on the fly. Today I'm releasing GoRedDeath, a proof of concept tool experimenting with destructive file attacks, similar to wipers like Shamoon. The tool will recursively hunt for files, then overwrite their contents with random data before removing them. It does this while also overwriting the mounted partitions with random data. The core concept is to destroy as much data as possible, such that it is forensically unrecoverable. While the ultimate goal is to crash this system, prolonging the crash allows us to destroy more data and parts of the system, making forensic analysis harder. I've mostly made this tool to prepare for the CCDC season, as well as test forensic recovery and data backup solutions. Another use for this tool could be erasing one's evidence on an operation once discovered by a blue team, presuming destructive techniques are in scope for the operation. Enjoy, I will have more tools coming soon!