Implementing Writing-to-Learn Approaches in STEM | #MakerEducation

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Lots of great pointers in this post from GradHacker – InsideHigherEd.

Regardless of discipline, strong written communication skills are essential to a successful career. As graduate students, this is fact: completion of our degrees relies on the publication and presentation of our research. At GradHacker, we’ve offered a lot of advice on writing practices and strategies, from how to best overcome writer’s block to how to create effective deadlines.

For undergraduate students, though, the amount of communication training they receive depends on their majors—in STEM disciplines, communication skills are often a small part of the curriculum. Instructors instead usually ask students to solve problem sets in the form of assignments or timed exams. To better prepare our future scientists and engineers for the many reports and presentations they’ll have to do once they graduate, we can and should implement writing into our courses.

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