NEW PRODUCT – Adafruit NeoTrellis RGB Driver PCB for 4×4 Keypad

NEW PRODUCT – Adafruit NeoTrellis RGB Driver PCB for 4×4 Keypad

By popular request, we’ve upgraded our popular Trellis elastomer button kits to now have a PCB with full color NeoPixel support! You heard that right, no more single-color LEDs, you can now have any color you like under the fantastic rubbery button pads we sell.

These 4×4 button pad boards are fully tile-able and communicate over I2C. With 5 address pins, you’ve got the ability to connect up to 32 together in any arrangement you like. With our trusty seesaw I2C-to-anything chip, you don’t even need to manage the NeoPixel driving. That’s right! Both the button management and LED driving is completely handled for you all over plain I2C. With both Arduino/C++ and CircuitPython/Python library support, you can use these pads with any and all microcontroller or computer boards.

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3954 iso 02 ORIG 2018 09

Perfect for your next cool interface, MIDI instrument, control panel…whatever could benefit from beautiful diffused colorful buttons. For fast connection to a single board, we include a JST-PH 4-pin connector that will give you power+data access. It’s Grove compatible (the cable fits, even though its not the exact same connector), or you can use a JST-PH 4 pin cable.

You can tile up to 32 boards together by soldering them edge-to-edge and soldering closed the I2C address jumpers, then use one I2C connection for all tiled NeoTrellis boards!

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Each order comes with one NeoTrellis board with seesaw chip and 16 NeoPixels already soldered in place. Elastomer button pad not included, so be sure to pick one up!

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In stock and shipping now!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!