Rebecca Manson’s Come Closer and the View Gets Wider is on View in NYC Now! #ArtTuesday
Seriously folks, sipping a coffee and admiring this piece by Rebecca Manson is one of our favorite work break activities. From The Tribeca Trib:
The piece, conceived four years ago, took a year to come together and for six weeks alone, Manson said, she was tearing off bits of clay and would “roll, smush, smush” them into the bone-like parts, to be fired and glazed and stored in piles, then organized by shape and color.
Manson started with a four-foot-diameter model of the work, then figured out how to structurally scale it up so that it could be strong enough to be supported. She composed the pieces on a fiberglass dome that served as a mold. Removed from the mold, the two sculptural hemispheres were joined together on a specially fabricated aluminum structure.
Manson, a trained ceramicist, said she wants to change the public perception of ceramics as a small, fragile art form. “I want to push the expectations of what ceramics can be,” she said, “and show how tough it is.”
Read more, see more from Rebecca Manson and be sure to swing by and check it out for yourselves!