Rihanna on Education #MakerEducation
A compelling piece from Rhianna in the Guardian on the state of education in developing countries. She addresses some great points highlighting the need for more resources and the power an education can have (especially for gender equality).
The lack of access to education for children around the world is a massive problem, but that does not mean we should throw up our hands in despair and surrender. Instead, we need to take on as much of the challenge as we can manage to set an example and see the difference. This is what has driven me to prioritise global education in my philanthropy and advocacy work. The notion that millions of children are desperate to go to school and are not given the opportunity is something I cannot accept.
In other parts of the world, conflict, poverty, deeply ingrained sexism, and bad public policy keep more than a quarter of a billion children and teens from getting an education. Almost a quarter of these children are affected by conflict or crisis, and girls are more likely not to complete school. But that’s just the surface of the problem.
It does not have to be this way.
Each additional year of primary schooling boosts a girl’s prospective income by up to 20%. This is not lost on many developing countries. Take Ethiopia, where a 15-year gender equality plan targeting girls’ education has more than doubled participation today. More than 93% of Ethiopian girls are in primary school and 96% in middle school. The price tag to the international community of educating a primary-aged child currently not enrolled in school is estimated at just over $50 a year.