10 Super Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Website Through Google+

It’s high time you shouldn’t overlook Google+ because its demands are soaring high and stands beneficial in your social media marketing efforts as an ideal addition. Google+ enhances brand visibility on Google search results, thus providing better lead over other distinct social media platforms. When focusing on SEO strategy, many more brands are clinging to Google+. Though adding followers are an integral part, but brands are into taking out that superfluous SEO link juice from Google+.
As the number of visitors increases because they get engaged with you via Google+, thus the prospective traffic channels to multiply vigorously. If the engagement is with Google+, then it signifies a new set of methods and excellent practices. Here are the 10 best ways to drive more traffic to your website through Google+, that are discussed below.
1. Optimize your Web Page Info: You should firstly edit your Google+ web page information so that it matches with Google’s directory. You should add Meta title (tag-line) and description with related links (intro) in the ‘About’ tab on the web page with 1-2 keywords.
2. Include Google+ Buttons to Your Website: In order to progress
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17950/10-super-tips-to-drive-more-traffic-to-your-website-through-google

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/10/06/10-super-tips-to-drive-more-traffic-to-your-website-through-google/