A Very Informal Look at Gutenberg Accessibility

We have been working all year to replatform our websites at work from Drupal to WordPress. We decided to go with WordPress for many reasons, one of the biggest being its admin UI. The WordPress edit screen, especially when compared to the Drupal edit screen, has historically been intuitive and preferred by content editors. In fact, many of my clients in the past have asked to switch their websites from Drupal (or similarly complex systems) to WordPress because of WordPress’s UI advantages. WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg
The recent updates to the upcoming WordPress 5.0 release, specifically the new Gutenberg editor, appears to be undoing these advantages. I have been working with Gutenberg in development since the start of our replatforming project. The UI has so much promise in terms of allowing editors to add, remove, and rearrange content blocks on pages. The UI is clunky, but it has been getting so much better over the course of this year.
However, I say this as a (mostly) fully abled user. (I mean, I have been having age-related sight issues lately, but otherwise, I am fully capable of navigating the web without assistive technology.)
Gutenberg and accessibility
Gutenberg has
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17993/a-very-informal-look-at-gutenberg-accessibility

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/10/18/a-very-informal-look-at-gutenberg-accessibility/