Adafruit Weekly Editorial Round-Up: October 7th – October 13th



We’ve got so much happening here at Adafruit that it’s not always easy to keep up! Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. Each week we’ll be posting a handy round-up of what we’ve been up to, ranging from learn guides to blog articles, videos, and more.



The Adafruit Jobs Board is back!

The jobs board is for designers, makers, programmers, artists and engineers who are looking for great places work at & projects to work on. And like most job boards, this job board is for companies and people who need the best talent for their projects and companies.

Check out the full post here!

More BLOG:

Keeping with tradition, we covered quite a bit this past week. Here’s a kinda short nearing medium length list of highlights:


Crawling Animatronic Hand:

This guide shows you how to make an creepy animatronic crawling hand. It uses a glove from a halloween costume, outfitted with a servo motor and a Circuit Playground Express.

This hand is designed to pull itself along the floor slowly, waiting until it finds a cold, dark spot, at which point it will stop and wait until temperature and light increase.

See the full guide here!


Browse all that’s new in the Adafruit Learning System here!