BlockchainDefender – Defending the Reputation of the Blockchain Industry

blockchain defender

The new BlockchainDefender service from the industry-leading ReputationDefender is now available to those in the crypto and blockchain industries. This service helps companies, individuals and projects to maintain a positive reputation online so they can make a strong first impression on potential investors or customers.

BlockchainDefender takes the already stellar reputation management skills from ReputationDefender and applies them to four specific areas of the crypto and blockchain world: blockchains, exchanges, ICOs and individuals. The BlockchainDefender team applies unique strategies for each of these specific areas, and also customises its reputation management services for each customer. After all, no two exchanges, ICOs, blockchains or people are the same.

Exploring the Main Services

Regardless of which category a customer fits into, BlockchainDefender offers four main services: repairing search results, fixing autocomplete suggestions, increasing brand visibility and extending the customer’s global reach. Search results and autocomplete suggestions are frequently the very first impression that a blockchain project or ICO makes on a potential investor. BlockchainDefender ensures that positive results appear towards the top of search results instead of negative ones, something it achieves by enhancing favourable search results and web content to organically displace the less favourable content.

Increasing brand visibility is one of BlockchainDefender’s most-important services, as it involves building up a strong, positive reputation for each exchange, ICO, or individual customer. Thanks to its experience with ReputationDefender, the team behind the BlockchainDefender service understands that having no online reputation can be just as damaging as having a negative one. This is because if an attack occurs, it will have a dramatic impact if there is no current reputation to counter it. Increasing brand visibility before negative content even occurs is BlockchainDefender’s method of creating a defensive strategy.

Finally, BlockchainDefender extends the global reach of the blockchain, exchange, or other project to help customers attract investors and users from around the world. The team understands the importance of marketing in a native language and within various regions around the world.

Building on the Experience of ReputationDefender

Because BlockchainDefender is a service of ReputationDefender, customers get to take advantage of the rich history of reputation management services from the company. ReputationDefender was founded in 2006 and was a pioneer in the industry of online reputation management. To this day, it is the most trusted and largest company in the industry. As such, customers with BlockchainDefender get that strong history of satisfied customers and proven strategies, targeted towards their particular industry.

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