CircuitPython: Cranking Up Performance to Eleven #CircuitPython #Python #BadgeLife @NordicTweets @UriShaked

On MediumUri Shaked writes about jumping into Badge Life (creating your own DIY electronic conference badge).

Uri chose some bleeding edge technology:

We decided to go with the nRF52840 chip, as it is energy efficient, and support both Bluetooth Mesh and OpenThread mesh. In addition, it runs CircuitPython, which means the attendees will be able to customize their badges by writing Python scripts and saving them to the badge through USB.

The nRF52840 is supported in CircuitPython 4.0.0-alpha, pretty gutsy using code only posted 17 days ago by Adafruit as an alpha release.

After considering several alternatives, we decided to go with a VS1053 chip, as it can decode both MP3 and OGG formats, and stream them directly to headphones.

Uri had some issues with SPI and rolling his own VS1053 driver. Things turn out very well in the end with Uri’s advanced skills (and we may have  to grab that VS1053 code to put in the library).

Great work, great badge!

You can read the whole article on Medium.


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