Cybersecurity will go public with IoT is catching up

Technology leaders are also getting into their feet with the newer challenges into Cybersecurity is coming up and forget professional sports, celebrities and #MeToo and now, cybersecurity is today’s real headliner ,with the People have embraced social media so persistently that it has become an integral part of our lives now. It is being used not only by individuals but also businesses, organisations and governments, who are utilising S.M platforms for constant engagement with the masses.

Anxiety and depression is the most underrated disadvantage of social media. Anyone who gets trolled over social media or is harassed easily get into depression. The person who is trolled by social media can’t get out of depression easily. A survey revealed, there have so many cases where people were harassed and went into severe depression, sometimes leading to deaths and suicides.

It’s true that social media has proved to be very useful for everyone and it offers a global platform to share and express, but its constant engagement is affecting individual productivity, relationships and society as a whole. Now, with the rise of hackers and hacker tools are so active, the issue of Cybersecurity is making big appearances in politics, national security and even your personal life and as with any public figure, wherever cybersecurity goes, controversy often follows, from navigating the gray areas of data encryption to sealing gaps in the national security framework, this article captures all angles of cybersecurity’s starring role in the public sphere....Read More