Getting Started in Wearables #WearableWednesday

Caitlinsdad shared this fun guide on instructibles! Its full of tons of wearables ideas and tips!

Intro: Getting Started in Wearables

If it fits, it’s lit…

If it doesn’t fit, we’ll make it fit…


Just put that in because, anything you can wear is a wearable. But mostly here, we will talk about wearable electronics or really, how to get started in thinking about embedding electronics into garments or anything that can be worn.

The field is pretty wide considering there is a market for biofeedback devices, watches, medical monitoring, communication, data gathering, jewelry, Cosplay and so much more. It is sometimes referred to as E-Textiles, wearable tech, wearables, soft circuits and whatever can be used in marketing and promoting a product. Haute couture and Fine Art circles may have their own terminology. This is more of an introduction in getting started to embed electronics for showy bling-bling and not for a specific goal in mind. Also, this is for the non-tech creative person/ STEM-STEAM learners to get a feel for what they need to know when working with electronics in wearables. Anyone can jump right in!

Step 1: Designer Goods…

Everything starts out as an idea. Inspiration or motivation to make something comes randomly or timed for an entry into an Instructables contest. I don’t know if it helps to have a warped sense of humour too.

With an idea, you can think it over so many times before putting it to paper and actually start materializing your project. Don’t overthink too much.

Written notes, doodles, drawings or sketches help to work through your design.

For more professional renderings, browse through this to get a sense of technical drawing:…

When designing, you are concerned with aesthetics – the way things look and feel; and technical – how it was engineered, the way they work, how it functions and interacts, materials, durability, ergonomics, how it’s made.

Build up your technique and tools. If you are limited in tools, stretch the limit of what you have (anything is possible with a 3 or 6 pack of crayons). On the computer, I use GIMP graphics editor and other open source software. There are several CAD (Computer Aided Design) design and modeling software packages like Tinkercad or SketchUp out there to use but comes with a possibly steep learning curve in order to use all of the advanced features. Many are available at low or no cost. I always go back to sketching by hand which is more suitable for the way I do things. Scribble on paper scraps destined for the recycling bin.

Since the creative process drives you into all forms of mixed media, you will find that you are incorporating ideas, techniques or work from 3D printing, stencil cutting, metalworking, woodworking, pottery/ceramics and so on… Don’t be afraid to try something new and explore.

See more videos and inspirational wearables ideas in the full guide on instructables!

Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!