This is an update to our previous article on Cryptotab. What was initially a decent source of passive income has devolved into an underwhelming way at generating a modestly impactful amount of Bitcoin. We aren’t sure when things changed but we are downgrading CryptoTab from a 5 Star to a 1 Star rating.

CryptoTab Rating October 2018 ★

For those who were some of the first to add the browser.. we hope you enjoyed the returns! For those who were excited by our article and joined later.. your results were most likely the same as ours over the past 3 months- Underwhelming.

We even added the “New 8X Browser” and it just isn’t what it used to be.

So, we can no longer recommend CryptoTab browser as a meaningful source of income.

We’ll actually go one step further and tell you, that if you haven’t downloaded and installed the Bitcoin mining browser.. don’t waste your time. The difference between what we were earning in April when we first recommended the browser to now, is night and day.

With over 8,800 referrals, we made $48 last month. It is no longer what it once was, and this is usually a sign of something that won’t last. Or even worse, a pyramid structure.  We wouldn’t go as far as to call it a pyramid scheme because it’s free, and does mine bitcoin.. but it’s not worth the 10 seconds it takes to download and install.

Bottomline: Not what it once was. Save the computer space.

The good news is, we are always on the lookout for ways our readers can earn passive income without having to spend money upfront. As of right now, the best source of passive income for us is through Affiliate programs with no upfront costs.

Some Bitcoin casinos have great affiliate programs. You can expect high commission rates. They also come with high-quality marketing materials.

Best of all, they pay on time monthly.

Here are our actual earnings from the past 3 months

Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 8.50.27 PM.pngAs you can see in just 3 months our Affiliate earnings have risen from .1236 Bitcoin in June 2018 up to 4.5379 Bitcoin last month in August 2018.

Just to put this in perspective..

At the current market price of Bitcoin as of today ($6,786.53) that is an increase in monthly earnings from $838.82 in June to $30,796.59 last month in August.

Now before you get too excited, that’s the amount we brought into the Casino. Our payout was 25%. So net in June we were transferred $209.70 in Bitcoin and $7,699.14 in Bitcoin last month. For those who aren’t believers in the future of bitcoin and prefer cash.. you can simply transfer your Bitcoin (BTC) to Coinbase after creating an account. Next you can withdraw the cash into your bank account.

We prefer to hang on to bitcoin in the belief it will be worth much more in the future.

You can enjoy these rewards too. Here’s how to become Bitcoin casino affiliate. All you need is to sign up for a Bitcoin casino account. Then find the casino affiliate program. It’s hardly rocket science. There are some casino affiliate programs that you can join just by signing up.

Original Cryptotab Article:

Ok first off, the Youtube Videos and links online titled “Earn $30,000 a month using CryptoTab” make us cringe. They’re misleading, and none of them explain how to make $30K a month, let alone a decent income. They are click bait.

That being said, you can earn a good income using CryptoTab to mine Bitcoin. But if you want to make over $5,000 in a month doing so, you’re going to need to put in some work. The good news is, we’re providing simple steps for you to follow to get there.

CryptoTab is rated ★★★★★ with 1,000’s of Reviews Across Several Platforms

 Earning Bitcoin while using Google Chrome

So we’ve already covered the groundbreaking Google Chrome Extension CryptoTab in a previous article. It has an extremely high review rating score across several platforms and we’ve personally been using it.. it works.  If you’re learning about CryptoTab for the 1st time today- you can sign up here.


How to Earn Several Thousand A Month in Residual Income

Most other blogs will try and convince you to join to get a referral, but none show you how to actually earn extra income using the Chrome Extension.

The reality is (as is always the case with a legitimate product, affiliate program or way to earn income) it isn’t easy. To earn a decent income you will need several thousand referrals. Without that, you’re going to earn pennies and you’ll end up frustrated and deleting the extension.

The good news for you is that we’ve already done the heavy lifting. We have found what works and what doesn’t.  If you commit to running this like a business and following these steps: you will see the income you have coming in from CryptoTab dramatically increase. We will show you how.

What’s The Secret?

With Facebook, Twitter and most of the other bigger platforms banning crypto related ads, there are other options. But most will require payment upfront and yield little to no results.

We have found the best way to get 1,000’s of referrals at a fraction of the cost of other Advertising Networks. Thousands of referrals. In just days.

Watch the Video Below

Step 1

Download the Crypto Tab Chrome Extension

Step 2

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Go To and Sign Up

Step 3

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Update your account info with your name, address and info.

Step 4

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Click “Create Campaign”

Step 5

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This is important. Select “Pop Ad Advertising”

Step 6

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Next select how many people you want your ad to reach. I started with 100K. This costs me $40, but the return on investment has easily been over 10 fold.

Leave everything else blank.

Click to Submit & Enter Ad Details

Screenshot 2018-04-20 12.45.23.png

Step 7

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Copy Your Referral link and paste in “pop Ad url” 

Screenshot 2018-04-20 12.49.45.png

In Pop Ad Name: Name it anything you want, I used “CryptoTab”

Step 8

Deselect “mobile” because users that sign up will need to do so on a laptop or desktop.

Screenshot 2018-04-20 12.52.06.png

Thats it! Select “Pay Campaign” and you’re good to go! This works and you’ll see 100’s of users sign up using your referral code and your income will increase extremely fast.

If you are new to Adfly it could take up to 72 hours for your account to get approved before Ads begin to run, so be patient.

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Step 9

Leave your browser open and mining on MAX when you don’t need all your computer power or you’re done with work.

Use This Link to Download the Crypto Tab Chrome Extension


It’s important to note that CryptoTab is free. There is no cost for those who want to cry “ponzi scheme!” The cost to advertise is for anyone who wants to get referrals quickly and Supercharge their results.

End of Day 1

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End of Day 2

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End of Day 3

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End of Day 7

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So What Is CryptoTab?

Rating Score: ★★★★★

Invite active friends who will invite their friends – and start making real money! Earn more than 1 BTC!

Add CryptoTab to your Chrome and start to earn Bitcoin. Invite your friends, family and associates by your personal link* and make many times more money!

Start earning today, keep your income in your BTC wallet and it will be getting worth more in USD because Bitcoin exchange rate is constantly rising. The profit you make today will rise a few times by the end of the year.


Boost your Bitcoin income

Share the link to CryptoTab with your friends and get extra earnings in BTC depending on their earnings. The more you and your friends invite – the more you earn! Be proactive and make thousands of USD! Copy your personal link by plugin and share it across Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Forums, and etc.

But Hurry up! – The number of referral network levels will be reduced for all newly registered users shortly!

  • CryptoTab pays you 15% of your friends earnings from our own mining capacities as soon as they will install CryptoTab by your personal link.
  • CryptoTab also pays a 10% bonus from our own funds when your friends will lead their friends by their own links.
  • Referral network includes payments for up to 10 levels of friends. Number of levels will be reduced in the future, so hurry up!
  • They pay extra bonuses from our own mining capacities without cutting down your friend’s income.
  • The more your friend’s network grows, more gains you will have.
  • Get more than 1 BTC! Develop the network and get your rewards!

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I use the plugin?

Simply download the plugin and you will begin mining automatically. You will be mining as long as Google Chrome is open.

How long does it take before I can withdraw?

It depends on how often you keep Chrome open on a daily basis, but the minimum recommended withdrawal is 0.001 BTC.

How do I withdraw money?

When you want to transfer earnings to your bitcoin wallet, just click «Withdraw BTC» button in drop-down box at the top right side of the main page and put down your bitcoin wallet number (You need to sign in using one of the social networks account before).

Is This Another Bitcoin “Passive Income” or “Mining” Scam?

We do not promote scams. In fact quite the opposite. We wrote an article warning our readers about BitConnect over a year before the scam came to light, USI Tech over a year before things started to fall apart as well as covering several other cons in an effort to protect our readers from getting ripped off.

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CryptoTab has an extremely high rating in the Chrome App Store, on all of their social media sites as well as online. It’s safe, secure, actually pays out and a really great way to earn Bitcoin while you surf the net.

Start Earning Now



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The price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are highly volatile. It is common for prices to increase or decrease by over 20–100% in some coins in a single day. Although this could mean potential huge profits, this also could mean potential huge losses. DO NOT INVEST ALL YOUR MONEY IN CRYPTOCURRENCIES. Only invest money which you are willing to lose.

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The post HOW TO EARN $30,000 A MONTH USING CRYPTOTAB TO MINE BITCOIN (UPDATED OCT. 1st 2018) appeared first on CryptoClarified.

by BULLY KING Magazine via CryptoClarified