How To Use Twitter Moments To Market Your Small Business On Twitter

Figuring out how to use Twitter to increase your brand’s visibility can be daunting. Twitter Moments is a quick, fun way to reach your audience and build online presence. Twitter has long been an established marketing tool for small business owners. Hardly surprising when you think that 54% of global users reported that they had visited a brand’s website or retweeted its content after seeing that brand on Twitter. With around 330 million global users, that’s a lot of potential brand engagement going on.
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The benefits aren’t just limited to big-name brands. Twitter is a vital marketing channel for small businesses too: 69% of the people who follow SMEs on the social network say they’ve already purchased from the company because of something they saw on Twitter.
That said, figuring out how to use Twitter to market your small business can seem like a tough nut to crack. The competition for airtime on the network is, to put it mildly, fierce. Every day, 500 million tweets are sent out worldwide. How can you avoid getting lost in
