Kali Linux 2018.4 Released, Added New tool (Wireguard)

Final release of 2018, Kali Linux 2018.4, which is available for immediate download. This release brings our kernel up to version 4.18.10, fixes numerous bugs, includes many updated packages, and a very experimental 64-bit Raspberry Pi 3 image.

Kali Linux (formerly known as BackTrack) is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. It features timely security updates, support for the ARM architecture, a choice of four popular desktop environments, and seamless upgrades to newer versions.

Whats new on Kali Linux 2018.04 ?

New Tools and Tool Upgrades
We have only added one new tool to the distribution in this release cycle but it’s a great one. Wireguard is a powerful and easy to configure VPN solution that eliminates many of the headaches one typically encounters setting up VPNs. Check out our Wireguard post for more details on this great addition.

Wireguard on Kali

We have been hearing a lot about Wireguard lately and with it being recently added to the Kali repos, we thought we would give it a quick try to see what all the fuss is about. All in all, we found this is a really nice and quick to configure VPN solution, and might be worth checking out. Check out our Wireguard post for more details on this great addition

Kali Linux 2018.4 also includes updated packages for Burp Suite, Patator, Gobuster, Binwalk, Faraday, Fern-Wifi-Cracker, RSMangler, theHarvester, wpscan, and more. For the complete list of updates, fixes, and additions, please refer to the Kali Bug Tracker Changelog.

64-bit Raspberry Pi 3
We have created a very experimental Raspberry Pi 3 image that supports 64-bit mode. Please note that this is a beta image, so if you discover anything that isn’t working, please alert us on our bug tracker.

Download Kali Linux 2018.4

If you would like to check out this latest and greatest Kali release, you can find download links for ISOs and Torrents on the Kali Downloads page along with links to the Offensive Security virtual machine and ARM images, which have also been updated to 2018.4. If you already have a Kali installation you’re happy with, you can easily upgrade in place as follows.
root@kali:~# apt update && apt -y full-upgrade
Ensuring your Installation is Updated
To double check your version, first make sure your Kali package repositories are correct.

root@kali:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Then after running ‘apt -y full-upgrade’, you may require a ‘reboot’ before checking:

root@kali:~# grep VERSION /etc/os-release




root@kali:~# uname -a

Linux kali 4.18.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-2kali1 (2018-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

If you come across any bugs in Kali, please open a report on our bug tracker. We’ll never be able to fix what we don’t know about.

Download Kali Linux Images

Image NameDownloadSizeVersionsha256sum
Kali Linux Light 64 BitHTTP | Torrent867M2018.4ad63589f761a4344e930486e05e9d3652b8c8badb2e0f808951861ed489db1f6
Kali Linux Light ArmhfHTTP | Torrent630M2018.44b409b7f0650741400b2c3c9076333f6c52211205c4a2828d677f1099d3e5d64
Kali Linux Light 32 BitHTTP | Torrent863M2018.40659674f841d91b71bd2503e352ded588ec17d0e976c9fee4345dad35ace83b1
Kali Linux 64 BitHTTP | Torrent3.0G2018.47c65d6a319448efe4ee1be5b5a93d48ef30687d4e3f507896b46b9c2226a0ed0
Kali Linux 32 BitHTTP | Torrent3.1G2018.414e53cd797d673db31437c36d51bab0f0a0b6ef9ab277c6c90b9f1fc9d96c291
Kali Linux Mate 64 BitHTTP | Torrent2.9G2018.43e045904582879e4c2ba75a4486f93d7d74de63e0ed54a5108804cefd7287ffb
Kali Linux Kde 64 BitHTTP | Torrent3.0G2018.4baf5c29371aca86ed28a87a32282f801e041876fd19152ea621ce84e4e0ff5dc
Kali Linux Xfce 64 BitHTTP | Torrent2.8G2018.4f262287286ef5fc630bd0ea219ecc03f767dd2ff9ad1b769bfcc35dfe1fa66e2
Kali Linux E17 64 BitHTTP | Torrent2.8G2018.4b7236b7747454fea12b5fb81be85ad7530bc6416e07127558e98f80dfbef2bd9
Kali Linux Lxde 64 BitHTTP | Torrent2.8G2018.4612aebd78f570aac62511b049a45ebf0be027a28c9b4732e0b5d799fa818ca6d
Kali Linux 64 bit VMware VMAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page
Kali Linux 32 bit VMware VM PAEAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page
Kali Linux 64 bit VboxAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page
Kali Linux 32 bit VboxAvailable on the  Offensive Security Download Page