Kerry Veenstra’s Burning Man Installation Bluster #Trinket

IMG 5776

Huge thanks to Kerry for letting us know about their Burning Man installation! Kerry writes:

My Burning Man installation uses two Adafruit Trinket M0s (ID 3500) and an Adafruit Trinket Pro 5V (ID 2000). In addition the project uses an Adafruit CdS photoresistor (ID 161) and a modified Adafruit Anemometer (ID 1733). Your usual quality products and web site information made it easy for me to make an informed choice.

“Bluster” is a 14-foot high red lamppost with an anemometer wind sensor on top and a sign that shows the number of feet of air that have blown by. After nine days on the playa, the column of air that had passed by the installation was over 8,000,000 feet long.

The 1733 anemometer generated a slightly different voltage for 0 MPH depending on the stopping position of the rotor. I didn’t want to add a threshold to the programming because I wanted to detect very slow winds. So I replaced the sensor’s electronics with custom PCB that has a pair of Hall sensors and a dual analog comparator. The two quadrature square waves from the modified sensor indicated passage of the slowest winds.

See all of Kerry’s Bluster posts here!
