Krita 4.1.5 Released, Install on Ubuntu / Linux Mint with PPA

Krita is an open source application that provides users with a sophisticated graphical software for creating amazing paintings, drawings, sketches, and any other type of artwork. It was previously distributed as part of the deprecated KOffice office suite for the KDE desktop environment.

Features at a glance

The application features painting tools with brushes and colors, support for layers and channels, gradients, airbrush, erase tool, simple geometric forms, undo and redo support, zoom, color selections, as well as many filters. In addition, it allows users to create brushes from squares and circles, load and save images in the app’s native file format, add, merge, reorder and remove layers, or to load GIMP brushes, pipe brushes, patterns and gradients.

The program also allows users to use patterns and colours for filling the background, import and export images in any other format that is supported by the ImageMagick program, create layers with transparency, use RGB(A), gray(A) and color models, use high-quality scaling, and much more. Another interesting feature is the ability to work with Wacom tablets, which makes this application perfect for processional graphicians who want to create amazing artwork for blockbuster video games.

There are some nice highlights as well, like much improved support for scaling on hi-dpi or retina screens. But here’s a full list of more than fifty fixes:
  • Associate Krita with .ico files
  • Auto-update the device pixel ration when changing screens
  • Disable autoscrolling for the pan tool
  • Disable drag & drop in the recent documents list BUG:399397
  • Disable zoom-in/out actions when editing text in rich-text mode BUG:399157
  • Do not add template files to recent documents list BUG:398877
  • Do not allow creating masks on locked layers. BUG:399145
  • Do not close the settings dialog when pressing enter while searching for a shortcut BUG:399116
  • Fill polyline shapes if some fill style was selected BUG:399135
  • Fix Tangent Normal paintop to work with 16 and 32 bit floating point images BUG:398826
  • Fix a blending issue with the color picker when picking a color for the first time BUG:394399
  • Fix a problem with namespaces when loading SVG
  • Fix an assert when right-clicking the animation timeline BUG:399435
  • Fix autohiding the color selector popup
  • Fix canvas scaling in hidpi mode BUG:360541
  • Fix deleting canvas input settings shortcuts BUG:385662
  • Fix loading multiline text with extra mark-up BUG:399227
  • Fix loading of special unicode whitespace characters BUG:392710
  • Fix loading the alpha channel from Photoshop TIFF files BUG:376950
  • Fix missing shortcut from Fill Tool tooltip. BUG:399111
  • Fix projection update after undoing create layer BUG:399575
  • Fix saving layer lock, alpha lock and alpha inheritance. BUG:399513
  • Fix saving the location of audio source files in .kra files
  • Fix selections and transform tool overlay when Mirror Axis is active BUG:395222
  • Fix setting active session after creating a new one
  • Fix showing the color selector popup in hover mode
  • Fix the ctrl-w close window shortcut on Windows BUG:399339
  • Fix the overview docker BUG:396922, BUG:384033
  • Fix the shift-I color selector shortcut
  • Fix unsuccessful restoring of a session blocking Krita from closing BUG:399203
  • Import SVG files as vector layers instead of pixel layers BUG:399166
  • Improve spacing between canvas input setting categories
  • Make Krita merge layers correctly if the order of selecting layers is not top-down. BUG:399146
  • Make it possible to select the SVG text tool text has been moved inside an hidden group and then made visible again BUG:395412
  • Make the color picker pick the alpha channel value correctly. BUG:399169
  • Prevent opening filter dialogs on non-editable layers. BUG:398915
  • Reset the brush preset selection docker on creating a new document BUG:399340
  • Support fractional display scaling factors
  • Update color history after fill BUG:379199

How to Install & Update Krita 4.1.5 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint Derivative System :

To install/update Krita 4.1.5 (PPA Launchpad) on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver, Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus, Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, Linux Mint 19.1, Elementary OS, Peppermint, Deepin 15.7, Linux Lite 4.2 and other Ubuntu derivative systems, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kritalime/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install krita

If you also want to install translations:
sudo apt-get install krita-l10n
If would also like to download debugging symbols for Krita:

sudo add-apt-repository \

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install krita-dbgsym

After installation is completed, open ubuntu menu dashboard like this :