NEW GUIDE: Reef-pi Part 5: Light Controller #AdafruitLearningSystem @adafruit #RaspberryPi


reef-pi Guide 5: Light Controller

A new guide in the Adafruit Learning System: The fifth in the series about building your own reef aquarium system using Adafruit parts and a Raspberry Pi.

Lighting is one of the most critical aspects of reef keeping. Corals feed on light. Although corals are animals (thus they cannot do photosynthesis), they have zooxanthellae (a type of algae) in their tissue that forms a symbiotic relationship with them. The algae provide nutrition to the host coral via photosynthesis, while the corals provide the entire habitat for the algae. Tropical corals can survive solely on photosynthesis, though they can also do filter feeding from the water column.

See this guide and all the reef-pi guides today.