October 2018 WordPress News: Gutenberg, AMP Plugin Gets Better.

AMP for WordPress Plugin to Introduce User-Friendly Theme Support Settings in Upcoming 1.0 Release Google’s open-source project AMP (as in Accelerated Mobile Pages) will get significant improvements in the upcoming release. This should be great news because the official WordPress plugin is used on more than 300,000 websites. The new features AMP for WordPress aims to introduce are extended theme support and a more user-friendly settings approach. This re-orientation is essential since, in the first stages, the tool was primarily built for developers, and hence required non-intuitive actions from regulars users.
In the forthcoming version, users can enable native AMP or Paired mode on the settings page; moreover, the beta release adds granular controls for selecting supported templates. And these are not the only changes in the plugin’s functionality.
The 3-year-old tool aims to improve your website’s mobile performance and is used on 25 million domains worldwide (beyond WordPress). We’re using it on this very blog too.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17929/october-2018-wordpress-news-gutenberg-amp-plugin-gets-better

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/october-2018-wordpress-news-gutenberg-amp-plugin-gets-better/