Survey: How does your company handle cyberwarfare and cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity risks in the enterprise show no signs of slowing down, putting millions--or even billions--of dollars at risk. Companies must prepare and enforce cybersecurity strategies. But do they? Or do they become a victim of cyber-mayhem? ZDNet's sister site, Tech Pro Research, is doing a survey to find out.

If you're familiar with your organization's cybersecurity strategies we want your feedback. When it comes to general security, what is your company's weakest link? What would improve your company's security? Does conducting business internationally present additional security challenges? Take the Cyberware and the future of cybersecurity survey and let us know.

You'll be asked eight or fewer survey questions, plus a few demographic questions. Data from this survey will be used in an upcoming Tech Pro Research report. All responses are confidential.

All respondents will have a chance to enter their email at the end of the survey and receive a free copy of the resulting research report, which is normally only available to Tech Pro Research subscribers.

Click here to take the Tech Pro Research cyberware and the future of cybersecurity survey

For more about cyberwarefare and cybersecurity from ZDNet and sister site TechRepublic, see these links:

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