The Apple II Source Code for the LOGO Language Found

Apple II LOGO Language

Adafruit visited the history of the LOGO “turtle graphics” language not long ago.

Now on Twitter, folks have found the source code for the LOGO program used on Apple II computers. Source on GitHub.

It turns out that the program was written on a DEC PDP-10 minicomputer running the Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS).

 found it and posted the discovery on Twitter. He received permission from the authors to post the undated code.

I’d take it that the code is in 6502 assembly and the program works the whole Apple II memory map for functionality. Did ITS have a 6502 cross-compiler or did the MIDAS program have separate target environments?

Very interesting programming archaeology – see the source code yourself along with the full PDP-10 ITS image still maintained today.