Why Scope Creep Happens

I love that moment when we reach the midway point in a project. The project management team falls into a groove; the client begins to feel warm and fuzzy seeing the amazing progress from week to week. Overall, everyone is feeling excited to see the vision start to come to fruition. But then… it happens. The dreaded scope creep starts slinking its way into the website project, enveloping the team members, the client, and the timeline like the black plague. As a Project Manager, I cringe at the thought of scope creep! However, as a former WebDevStudios client, I know I am guilty of it. I’ve learned I am not the exception to the rule on both accounts. So, here are a few things I’ve learned about scope creep and how you can manage it.
What is scope creep?
After a website project has started, and the scope of the project grows beyond the original plan, that is considered scope creep. This can happen for a number of different reasons. If a project’s requirements are not well defined and outlined at the start, new requirements are likely going to come up throughout the life cycle of the project. Similarly, a lack of transparency and poor communication during the project
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17995/why-scope-creep-happens

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/10/18/why-scope-creep-happens/