5 Reasons To Know Who Is Logged In To WordPress

If I asked you who is logged in to your WordPress site right now, would you know? Most WordPress site admins cannot tell who is logged in to their sites or multisite network. If they use a comprehensive WordPress activity log plugin they can see who has logged in, when and from where, and what they have done in the past. Though they still they cannot say what is happening at this instances on their sites.
Since WordPress is a multi-user platform used for any kind of website, from e-commerce to online services, you need a means to see what your users and customers are doing on your website. This post highlights five reasons on why you need to know who is logged in to your site. It also explains what tool you can use to see the logged in users.
Why You Should Know Who Is Logged In To Your WordPress
In a brick and mortar business it is very easy to tell who came in to work and who is doing what. You have clocking in systems, and can physically see people doing the work. Though when you have a WordPress site it is not that easy to tell what your users are doing at this instant. Are they writing a new article, modifying an existing page or modifying the theme?
And what about the sub contracted
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18063/5-reasons-to-know-who-is-logged-in-to-wordpress

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/11/06/5-reasons-to-know-who-is-logged-in-to-wordpress/