A Working Communicator Watch using #Teensy, #FONA and @Adafruit parts


 at Instructables writes up their functional cellular communicator watch.

Teeny tiny communication devices that you can pin to your chest, strap to your arm, or pop into your ear have long been a sci-fi trope. While wrist-worn “two-way radios” have mostly either been toys or the result of movie magic, we’ve finally reached the point where it’s possible to actually build wearable technology that functions how people have envisioned for decades.

Thanks to the amazing open-source hardware community, the technology to build advanced, connected devices is cheaper and easier than ever before!

The design uses a Teensy 3.1 controller and Adafruit tech including a FONA cellular board and 128×96 OLED display.

See the video below and the write-up on Instructables.