Beaver Builder Custom Fields

At WebDevStudios (WDS), we’ve used Beaver Builder for several projects because it provides a quick and intuitive way for our clients to customize their websites. The development documentation for Beaver Builder is pretty good, however it falls short in one particular area: custom fields. What fields am I talking about? They’re the ones that show up when you’re editing a particular Beaver Builder module’s settings: There are a couple of links in the documentation to the templating used with custom fields, but no start-to-finish example. Let’s do one here so you can start creating your own custom fields.
For this example, I created a plugin with a Beaver Builder module called “Post Category List” to show a list of posts that are in the selected categories. The plugin is very simple—only the minimum amount of components are needed to create a Beaver Builder module:
A module class that extends FLBuilderModule
A module registration call – FLBuilder::register_module()
A frontend.php template used for rendering
I purposely kept it as simple as possible. There’s no extra styling or JavaScript. I don’t go into detail about
